Commit date discrepancy, and bug tracker is down
2014-02-21 00:05:20 UTC
The dates on the commits on pcc-commit-list (as well as the dates on the actual messages) appear to be incorrect. The latest commit and accompanying message are dated at Feb 27, 2013, and today is the 20th.

See http://marc.info/?l=pcc-commit-list&m=136193049405213&w=2

Also, the bug tracker appears to be down, with a "Service Temporarily Unavailable" error.


Thorsten Glaser
2014-02-21 00:17:36 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
The dates on the commits on pcc-commit-list (as well as the dates on
the actual messages) appear to be incorrect. The latest commit and
accompanying message are dated at Feb 27, 2013, and today is the 20th.
No, PCC really has been dead for about a year.

//mirabilos, somewhat disappointed
Post by s***@gmail.com
Hi, does anyone sell openbsd stickers by themselves and not packaged
with other products?
No, the only way I've seen them sold is for $40 with a free OpenBSD CD.
-- Haroon Khalid and Steve Shockley in gmane.os.openbsd.misc
Antoine Leca
2014-03-03 11:56:18 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Also, the bug tracker appears to be down, with a "Service Temporarily Unavailable" error.
Mmmm... service still unavailable, one week after being reported... does
not like so "temporary", really broken it is!

Does anyone has some backup of the bugs' database and resolution
history, in order to migrate it to a new system?

Anders Magnusson
2014-03-03 11:59:52 UTC
Post by Antoine Leca
Post by s***@gmail.com
Also, the bug tracker appears to be down, with a "Service Temporarily Unavailable" error.
Mmmm... service still unavailable, one week after being reported... does
not like so "temporary", really broken it is!
Does anyone has some backup of the bugs' database and resolution
history, in order to migrate it to a new system?
Jira itself runs as a Java process on a backend server, but that server
has been decommissioned.
It's only the application that has nowhere to run currently, everything
else is still around.

Hopefully we can fix that shortly from now.

-- Ragge
