Assorted fixes
Thorsten Glaser
2012-09-22 19:27:38 UTC
Ah well, even more:

AC_PREREQ(2.59) is wrong, 2.59 does not substitute @YFLAGS@ with
AC_PROG_YACC automatically. I see you use 2.61; 2.64 also works,
as Debian doesn’t package 2.61 any more (the BSDs do, so please,
keep it at 2.61 as newer versions require GNU m4).

Please use “cvs export”, not “cvs co”, to generate the nightly
snapshots, so they do not contain the CVS/ subdirectories any

13:22⎜«neurodamage» mira, what's up man? I have a CVS question for you in #cvs
13:22⎜«neurodamage» since you're so good w. it │ «neurodamage:#cvs» i love you
13:28⎜«neurodamage:#cvs» you're a handy guy to have around for systems stuff ☺
16:06⎜<Draget:#cvs> Thank god I found you =) 20:03│«bioe007:#cvs» mira2k: ty
17:14⎜<ldiain:#cvs> Thanks big help you are :-) <bioe007> mira|nwt: ty again
18:35⎜«alturiak:#cvs» mirabilos: aw, nice. thanks :o
18:36⎜«ThunderChicken:#cvs» mirabilos FTW! 23:03⎜«mithraic:#cvs» aaah. thanks
18:41⎜«alturiak:#cvs» phew. thanks a bunch, guys. you just made my weekend :-)
18:10⎜«sumit:#cvs» mirabilos: oh ok.. thanks for that
21:57⎜<bhuey:#cvs> yeah, I really appreciate help
18:50⎜«grndlvl:#cvs» thankyou 18:50⎜«grndlvl:#cvs» worked perfectly
20:50⎜<paolo:#cvs> i see. mirabilos, thnks for your support
00:36⎜«halirutan:#cvs» ok, the obvious way:-) thx
18:44⎜«arcfide:#cvs» mirabilos, I am running OpenBSD. 18:59⎜«arcfide:#cvs»
Hrm, yes, I see what you mean. 19:01⎜«arcfide:#cvs» Yeah, thanks for the help.
21:33⎜«CardinalFang:#cvs» Ugh. Okay. Sorry for the dumb question. Thank you
21:34⎜<centosian:#cvs> mirabilos: whoa that's sweet
21:52⎜«garrett__:#cvs» much appreciated «garrett__:#cvs» thanks for your time
23:39⎜<symons:#cvs> this worked, thank you very much 16:26⎜<schweizer:#cvs> ok
thx, i'll try that 20:00⎜«stableable:#cvs» Thank you. 20:50⎜«s833:#cvs»
mirabilos: thanks a lot. 19:34⎜<bobbytek:#cvs> Thanks for confirming :)
20:08⎜<tsolox:#cvs> ...works like a charm.. thanks mirabilos
Thorsten Glaser
2012-09-22 19:25:08 UTC

hereby I submit a few patches I made during Debian packaging
of pcc-current (not yet complete due to the previous issue):

- branding.diff
Allow packagers to specify the version pcc reports
itself as, originally from MirPorts, already submitted
earlier; this patch is rebased against pcc CVS HEAD

- fix-buildsystem.diff
Part of an earlier submitted patch that was not yet
committed: add support code for cross-compiling pcc,
i.e. using host compiler for things like mkext (not
yet tested; LDFLAGS_FOR_BUILD added recently), rebased
against pcc CVS HEAD

- fix-crt1.diff
NEW: Let pcc on Linux with glibc find crt1.o again

There are more patches upcoming and/or planned:

- Add support for Multi-Arch (things like /lib/i386-linux-gnu/)
- Possibly add support for µClibc on Linux (tested with OpenADK
on MIPS last year already)
- More bugfixes?

Note that Linux/PowerPC /lib/ld-linux.so.2 is almost certainly
wrong; the Debian porterbox has /lib/ld.so.1 as non-multiarch
compatibility symlink in place but no ld-linux or something.

Have ARM and HPPA just never been tested on Linux systems, or
will they not work (as in, known)? Which ARM, anyway?

[...] if maybe ext3fs wasn't a better pick, or jfs, or maybe reiserfs, oh but
what about xfs, and if only i had waited until reiser4 was ready... in the be-
ginning, there was ffs, and in the middle, there was ffs, and at the end, there
was still ffs, and the sys admins knew it was good. :) -- Ted Unangst ÃŒber *fs
Anders Magnusson
2012-09-23 09:30:28 UTC
Post by Thorsten Glaser
hereby I submit a few patches I made during Debian packaging
- branding.diff
Allow packagers to specify the version pcc reports
itself as, originally from MirPorts, already submitted
earlier; this patch is rebased against pcc CVS HEAD
This is not portable enough. Solaris for example bails out on it.
Please reimplement it.

-- Ragge
Thorsten Glaser
2012-09-23 09:35:03 UTC
Post by Anders Magnusson
Post by Thorsten Glaser
- branding.diff
This is not portable enough. Solaris for example bails out on it.
Huh? GNU autoconf uses this construct all the time…
Post by Anders Magnusson
Please reimplement it.
-versstr="\"$PACKAGE_STRING `cat $srcdir/DATESTAMP` for $target\""
+versstr="\"$PACKAGE_STRING `cat $srcdir/DATESTAMP` for $target$MPVERSION\""

This should do the trick (and no, the test cannot be put inside
U+0060 in versstr assignment because "…`…"…"…`…" is not portable,
neither escaped nor not).

<Natureshadow> Dann mach ich git annex copy --to shore und fertig ist das
<Natureshadow> das ist ja viel cooler als ownCloud ...
<mirabilos> sag ich doch
<Natureshadow> ja wieso stimmt das denn immer was du sagst ...
Anders Magnusson
2012-09-23 09:59:32 UTC
Post by Thorsten Glaser
Post by Anders Magnusson
Post by Thorsten Glaser
- branding.diff
This is not portable enough. Solaris for example bails out on it.
Huh? GNU autoconf uses this construct all the time…
I do not run autoconf on Solaris, but I do want to be able to run
configure :-)
Post by Thorsten Glaser
Post by Anders Magnusson
Please reimplement it.
-versstr="\"$PACKAGE_STRING `cat $srcdir/DATESTAMP` for $target\""
+versstr="\"$PACKAGE_STRING `cat $srcdir/DATESTAMP` for $target$MPVERSION\""
Good, thanks, applied!

-- Ragge
