2011-10-23 19:11:13 UTC
I was trying to build binutils and it couldn't find stpcpy or mempcpy
so I added them.
I also noticed that the entry for __builtin_strcpy referenced strcmpt
, which seemed wrong,
so I fixed that.
binutils will compile with this patch as long as Werror is disabled.
Index: cc/ccom/builtins.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pcc/cc/ccom/builtins.c,v
retrieving revision 1.33
diff -r1.33 builtins.c
< { "__builtin_strcpy", builtin_unimp, 2, strcmpt, CHAR|PTR },
so I added them.
I also noticed that the entry for __builtin_strcpy referenced strcmpt
, which seemed wrong,
so I fixed that.
binutils will compile with this patch as long as Werror is disabled.
Index: cc/ccom/builtins.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pcc/cc/ccom/builtins.c,v
retrieving revision 1.33
diff -r1.33 builtins.c
static TWORD mempcpyt[] = { VOID|PTR, VOID|PTR, SIZET, INT };
654a656static TWORD stpcpyt[] = { CHAR|PTR, CHAR|PTR, INT };
672a675{ "__builtin___mempcpy_chk", builtin_unimp, 4, mempcpyt, VOID|PTR },
708a712{ "__builtin_mempcpy", builtin_unimp, 3, mempcpyt, VOID|PTR },
728c732,733< { "__builtin_strcpy", builtin_unimp, 2, strcmpt, CHAR|PTR },
{ "__builtin_strcpy", builtin_unimp, 2, strcpyt, CHAR|PTR },
{ "__builtin_stpcpy", builtin_unimp, 2, stpcpyt, CHAR|PTR },
{ "__builtin_stpcpy", builtin_unimp, 2, stpcpyt, CHAR|PTR },